Our Mission

We believe that every woman has the potenial to transform her own world universe life

Tikvah Hope Sanctuary is a not for profit organisation created for young women, in the UK, aged 16-28 years. 

We believe women can transform the world and we provide a community to help young women make this happen. 

We work with young women of any race, nationality or religion.



Empowering women to take charge of their lives by mentoring and coaching sessions.


Creating opportunities to use your gifts and talents to bless others by investing into someone else.


Providing access to relevant information to help maximise potentials


Mindset transforming workshops to shift deep seated beliefs and negative mindsets

Our Vision

Help young women shift deep seated negative mindsets.

Empower young women to take charge of their lives and reach their full potential.

Encourage young women to use their talents and skills to help others.

Our Programme

We provide training including mind-set transforming workshops.
We provide support through mentoring, life coaching and our signposting services.

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