Ngozi Edi-Osagie


Dr Edi-Osagie qualified in 1990 from University of Benin, Nigeria and was appointed as a consultant neonatologist in 2002 after training in London and Manchester.

She is an honorary senior lecturer at University of Manchester and is also Group Associate Medical Director for professional matters

She has broad clinical and leadership experience, having been clinical lead, clinical director and is currently head of division of newborn services which encompasses a neonatal transport service, a local neonatal unit and a neonatal intensive care unit which provides both medical and surgical neonatal care

She is the clinical lead for the development of a single hospital service across the city of Manchester overseeing the merge of three NHS trusts bringing together 10 hospitals and community services. She is involved in external investigations and peer review of services.

She is the Co-chair of the community collaborative partnership between MFT and the Greater Manchester Caribbean ad African Health Network (CAHN). She chaired the subcommittee on data and capacity for the Neonatal Transformation Review. She is the chair of NHS England Clinical Reference Group for Neonatal Critical Care.